Our Services

We offer many services, see which one works best for you!


Our Walk service, allows your pup to exercise and to see the sights. This service ensures your pup gets walked, pets, and has fresh water! Depending on your pet’s needs, we offer it in 30-minute and 60-minute increments.


Our drop-in service allows more freedom for your pup. This service ensures your pup gets walked or let outside, fresh water, cuddles and so much more! Depending on your pet’s needs! We offer it in 30-minute and 60-minute increments.

Dog Sitting

Lastly, our Overnight dog stays. This service ensures your pup gets all the cuddles, fresh food and water, potty breaks and so much more! Keeping your mind at ease that your furbaby is taken care of through the night, WFW is there. *This needs to be booked at least a week in advance.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us.

Book a Service

If you have any additional questions, please reach out and be sure to fill out the service request form!